The Punjab Board has released the latest PSEB Class 12 syllabus and the marking system for board examinations. Students studying for the 12th class must take part in the most current PSEB syllabus of the 12th class 2020-21. They would be made aware of the subjects that need to be researched for a given topic. The Punjab Board 12th syllabus for math, English, Punjabi, computer, and EVS is the same for Arts, Commerce, and Science stream students. PSEB 12th syllabus describes the unit-wise and chapter-wise themes and the allocation of the marks. Students should then plan their approach to ace the PSEB 12th Exam. Students can cover the whole Punjab 12th syllabus two months before the test. Download the PSEB Syllabus for the 12th Class. Go through the full article to read more about the PSEB 12th Humanities, Commerce, Technology, and Vocational Stream Syllabus.
Table of Contents
PSEB Syllabus of 12th Class
The PSEB syllabus of the 12th class is the same all across Punjab. All the public colleges in Punjab follow the same syllabus. There is a standardized syllabus and exam pattern that remains constant across the state. This way, in case any student wants to change colleges, coping with the studies becomes easier. Besides, as the syllabus is the same, the ranking is more just and fair. There are no disparities because everyone studies the same things. Each student will have to appear in all their subjects. They will additionally have elective subjects to choose from. You can download the PSEB Syllabus for the 12th class at the end of this article. Also, understand more about the PSEB class 12th in this article.
PSEB Scheme of Subjects 12th Class
- Each student will have to appear for the exam in 4 compulsory subjects
- Arts and Science students will have to opt for any three elective subjects
- As per the Punjab Board 12th syllabus, commerce students will have to choose 4 elective subjects
- Apart from the above, Commerce and Science students can choose Mathematics or Computer Application as additional subjects
- PSEB 12th syllabus states that Arts students can opt for an additional from the subjects of their group
- Science students can also choose Geography/ Home Science/ Agriculture/ Biology/ Maths/ Economics as an additional subject
PSEB Class 12th Compulsory Subjects
- General English
- General Punjabi of Punjab History and Culture
- Environmental Education
- Computer Science
PSEB Class 12th Elective Subjects
Candidates can choose any three subjects as electives from the below.
- Elective Language (Punjabi/ Hindi/ English/ Urdu)
- History
- Economics
- Mathematics
- Business Organization and Management
- Book Keeping and Accountancy
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Public Administration
- Philosophy
- Music
- Geography
- Defense Studies
- Psychology
- Home Science
- Drawing and Painting
- Computer Application
- Agriculture
- Physical Education and Sport
PSEB Exam Pattern for Class 12th
The exam pattern as given by the Punjab School Board of Education is as below. Candidates can go through the same and then download the syllabus for their desired subjects.
Subject Name | Theory Marks | Practical Marks | CCE | Total Marks | Total Passing Marks |
English | 65 marks | – | 10 marks | 75 marks | 25 marks |
Punjabi or Punjab History and Culture | 65 marks | – | 10 marks | 75 marks | 25 marks |
Environmental Education | 45 marks | – | 5 marks | 50 marks | – |
Computer Science | 50 marks | 40 marks | 10 marks | 100 marks | – |
Elective | 90 marks | – | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
History/ Economics/ Political Science/ Sociology | 90 marks | – | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
Mathematics | 90 marks | – | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
Geography | 70 marks | 20 marks | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
Physics | 70 marks | 20 marks | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
Chemistry | 70 marks | 20 marks | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
Biology | 70 marks | 20 marks | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
Business Studies-II | 65 marks | – | 10 marks | 75 marks | 25 marks |
Accountancy II | 50 marks | 15 marks | 10 marks | 75 marks | 25 marks |
Business Economics & Quantitative Methods-II | 65 marks | – | 10 marks | 75 marks | 25 marks |
Fundamentals of E-Business | 50 marks | 15 marks | 10 marks | 75 marks | 25 marks |
Agriculture | 70 marks | 20 marks | 10 marks | 100 marks | 33 marks |
PSEB Syllabus for Class 12th
The Punjab Board’s 12th syllabus in English, Mathematics, Punjabi, Computer Science, and EVS is the same for all streams. All students should refer to the following 12th class PSEB syllabus for these subjects.
English Syllabus
Section A (Lessons for Intensive Study)
- Hassan’s Attendance Problem by Sudha Murthy
- Thinking Out of the Box: Lateral Thinking
- On Giving Advice by Joseph Addison
- The Story of My Life by Helen Keller
- In Celebration of Being Alive by Dr. Christian Barnard
- The March King by Katherine Little Bakeless
- Robots and People by Isaac Asimov
- On Saying ‘Please’ by A. G. Gardiner
- Two Gentlemen of Verona A. J. Cronin
- Gadkari Babas in Kalapani Jail by Dr Harish Puri
Section B (Poetry)
- Prayer of the Woods
- The Echoing Green by William Blake
- Cheerfulness Taught by Reason – Elizabeth Barret Browning
- The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost
- On Friendship by Khalil Gibran
- Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara
- Father Returning Home by Dilip Chitre
- On His Blindness by John Milton
Section C (Lessons for Extensive Study)
- The School for Sympathy by E. V. Lucas
- Bholi by K. A. Abbas
- The Barber’s Trade Union by Mulk Raj Anand
- A Chameleon by Anton Chekhov
- The Gold Frame by R. K. Laxman
- The Bull Beneath the Earth by K. S. Virk
Section D (Grammar and Composition)
- Grammar
- Determiners
- Use of Non-finite (Infinitives, Gerunds, Participles)
- Transformation of Sentences
- Voice
- Narration
- Composition
- Précis writing
- Letter writing (Official/ Business/ To Editors)
- Application
- Explaining Newspaper Headlines
- Email writing
Maths Syllabus
Relations and Functions
- Relations and Functions
- Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Matrices and Determinants
- Continuity and Differentiability
- Applications of Derivatives
- Integrals
- Applications of the Integrals
- Differential Equations
Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry
- Vectors
- 3 Dimensional Geometry
Linear Programming
- Linear Programming
- Probability
Computer Science Syllabus
- Revision of 11th Class
- Uses of String Function
- User-defined Functions
- Windows Movie Maker 1
- Windows Movie Maker 2
- Networking Resolution
- Library Functions
- E-governance
EVS Syllabus
- Biodiversity
- Environmental Management
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Environment Actions
Physics Syllabus
- Electrostatics
- Current Electricity
- Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Matter
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Electronic Devices
Chemistry Syllabus
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
- General Principals and Process of Isolation of Elements
- p Block Elements
- d & f Block Elements
- Coordination Number
- Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
- Alcohol, Phenols, and Ether
- Aldehyde, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids
- Organic Compounds containing Nitrogen Compounds
- Biomolecules
- Polymers
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
Biology Syllabus
- Reproduction in Organisms
- Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
- Human Reproduction
- Reproductive Health
Genetics and Evolution
- Heredity and Variation
- Molecular Basis of Inheritance
- Evolution
Biology and Human Welfare
- Human Health and Disease
- Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
- Microbes in Human Welfare
Biotechnology and Its Applications
- Principles and Processes of Biotechnology
- Biotechnology and Its Applications
Ecology and Environment
- Organisms and Populations
- Ecosystems
- Biodiversity and Conservation
- Environmental Issues
Business Studies Syllabus
- Nature and Significance of Management
- Principles of Management
- Business Environment
- Planning
- Organization
- Staffing
- Directing
- Coordination
- Controlling
- Business Finance
- Financial Markets
- Marketing
- Consumer Protection
- Entrepreneurship Development
Accountancy Syllabus
Section A
- Accounting for not for profit organization
- Reconstitution or partnership
- Accounting for partnership
- Dissolution of partnership firm
Section B
- Accounting for share capital & debentures
- Analysis of financial statements
- Statement of changes in a financial position
Section C
- Overview of the computerized accounting system
- Accounting using DBMS
- Using a computerized accounting system
- Accounting application of the electronic spreadsheet
Business Economics & Quantitative Methods Syllabus
Part 1 – Business Statistics
- Arithmetic Mean, Median, and Mode
- Measures of Dispersion (Range, Quartile, Decile, Percentile, Mean Deviation, Standard Deviation, etc.), Measures of Skewness(meaning, Absolute Measures, Relative Measures & Coefficient of Skewness)
- Meaning, Features, Uses, and Problems of Construction of Index Number. Methods of Construction of Index Numbers, Cost of Living Index Numbers, Choice of the base for Computing Index Numbers, Base Shifting
- Meaning, Significance, Types of Correlation, Methods of Correlation, Regression Lines, Preparation of Regression quotient
Part 2 – Introductory Macroeconomics
- Basic Concepts, Circular Flow of Income, Aggregates related to National Income GDP, GNP, NDP, NNP, National Disposable Income (Gross and Net) Private Income, Personal Income and Personal Disposable Income, etc
- Aggregate Demand and Supply, Propensity to Consume and Save, Determination of Income and Employment, Excess and Deficient Demand, etc
- Money, Supply of Money, Central Bank, Commercial Banks, etc
- Government Budget, Classification of Receipts, Classification of Expenditure, Balanced Budget-Surplus Budget, and Deficit Budget, Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, and Primary Deficit, etc
- Balance of Payment Accounts, Foreign Exchange Rate, Determination of Exchange Rate in a Free Market, etc
Fundamentals of E-Business Syllabus
- Concepts and Scope of IT, Computer Hardware and Software, CPU, Introduction to operating system and Internet
- Meaning, Features, Functions, and Benefits of E-Commerce, Types of E-Commerce, E-Commerce in India, etc
- Transaction through the Internet, Requirements of E-Payment System, Credit Card Solutions, Electronic Cash, Debit Card, Smart Cards, etc
- Areas of Internet Security, Defection and Recovery, Electronic Signature, Access Control, Authentication Precaution for Secure e-commerce
- Meaning, Importanœ, and Types of E-Banking Services. Process of E-Banking, Status of E-Banking in India
- Meaning and Importance of E-Trading, Operational Aspects of E-Trading, Status of E-Trading in India
- Concept of E-Marketing, 4Ps of E-Marketing, Status of E-Marketing in India, etc
History Syllabus
Part A
- Physical Features of Punjab and their influence on its History
- Sources of the History of Punjab
- Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the foundation of Khalsa, His battles, and His personality
- Political, Social, and Economic Conditions of Punjab at the beginning of the 16th Century
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life and His Teachings
- Banda Singh Bahadur
- Guru Arjan Dev Ji and His Martyrdom
- Guru Hargobind Ji and Transformation of Sikhism
- Development of Sikhism under Guru Angad Dev Ji, Guru Amar Das Ji and Guru Ram Das Ji
- Guru Har Rai Ji and Guru Har Krishan Ji
- Guru Teg Bahadur Ji and His Martyrdom
Part B
- Abdus Samad Khan, Zakaria Khan, and Mir Mannu, Their relations with the Sikhs
- Rise of the Dal Khalsa and its Mode of Fighting
- Social and Economic Conditions of Punjab under the Mughals
- Invasions of Ahmed Shah Abdali and disintegration of Mughal rule in Punjab
- Origin and Growth of the Sikh Misls and the nature of the organization
- Ranjit Singh’s Career and Conquests
- Anglo-Sikh Relations (1800-1839)
- Ranjit Singh’s relations with Afghanistan and his N.W.F. Policy
- Civil and Military Administration of Ranjit Singh
- Character and Personality of Ranjit Singh
- First Anglo-Sikh War – Causes and Results
- Second Anglo-Sikh War – Causes and Results, Annexation of Punjab
Part C (Map)
- Battles of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
- Important Battles of Banda Singh Bahadur.
- Ranjit Singh’s kingdom
- First Anglo-Sikh War
- Second Anglo-Sikh War
Economics Syllabus
Part A (Introductory Microeconomics)
- Introduction
- Consumer Behaviour and Demand
- Producer Behaviour and Supply
- Forms of Market and Price Determination
- Meaning of Micro Economics, Central Problems of an Economy
- Consumer’s Equilibrium, Theory of Demand, Price Elasticity of Demand
- Production, Theory of Supply, Concepts of Costs and revenue, Producer’s Equilibrium
- Forms of Market, Price Determination under Perfect Competition
Part B (Introductory Macroeconomics)
- National Income and Related Aggregate
- Macro Economics, Measurement of National Income
- Determination of Income and Employment
- Money and Banking
- Government Budget and the Economy
- Aggregate Demand and Supply, Propensity to Consume and Save, Problems of Excess and Deficient Demand, etc
- Money, Central Bank, Commercial Banks, reforms and issues in the Indian Banking System, etc
- Government Budget, Budget Receipts, Budget Expenditure, Balance Budget, Surplus Budget, Deficit Budget, etc
- Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments
- Foreign Exchange Rate, Balance of Payment Accounts, etc
Political Science Syllabus
Part A (Political Theory)
- Political System
- Some major contemporary Political Theories
- Bureaucracy (Civil Services)
- Electorate
- Public opinion
- Party System
- Interest and Pressure Groups
Part B (Indian Political System)
- Indian Democracy
- Party System in India
- National Integration
- India and the World
- Democracy at Grassroots
- Electoral System
- Foreign Policy of India
Sociology Syllabus
Tribal, Rural, and Urban Societies in India
- Tribal Society
- Rural Society
- Urban Society
Inequalities in Indian Society
- Caste Inequalities
- Class Inequalities
- Gender Inequalities
Structural and Cultural Change in India
- Westernization and Sanskritization
- Modernisation and Globalisation
- Social Movement
Social Problems in Indian Society
- Violence Against Women
- Social Problems
- Social Issues
Geography Syllabus
- Nature & Scope of Geography & its Branches
- Geographical thoughts, Radical and postmodern geography, all branches of Geography in brief, etc.
- Human resources
- Population, Determinants of population change, Human development concept, Human Settlement, etc
- Economic Geography: Types of Economic Activities
- Primary Activities: Concept of changing trends; gathering; pastora, Geographical distribution of major crops in India, etc
- Secondary Activities: Concept, Manufacturing types, Distribution of resources and their conservation, Industries: Types, Distribution of selective industries, etc
- Tertiary Activities: Quaternary activities, Quinary Services, etc
- Transport, Communication & Trade
- Land transport, Water Transport, Air Transport, Oil and Natural Gas pipelines, International and National trade, etc.
- Practical Work
- Types of data, Representation of data, Thematic Maps, Data analysis and generation of diagrams graphs, Field Studies and Land Use Survey, Satellite Communication, etc
Other PSEB Syllabus:
Hope you have got the PSEB 12th class syllabus here. We have provided the syllabus from the official website. Now, you can directly download the syllabus without having to worry about fake information. Do share this with friends and family who may require such information. For more, let us know in the comments below. We will provide all the required information as soon as possible.