List of National Symbols of India

The Republic of India has many several national symbols. These include a flag, emblem, anthem and several others. All these symbols were picked up at various times. These national symbols of India represent the country and culture and nature. They are an identity factor of the country. These instil a sense of patriotism and pride in every Indian. This is an important topic as these symbols signify the rich heritage, culture, and tradition of the people of India. Right from childhood, we have been taught about various national symbols of India. Every citizen should know this as it is the nation’s identity. For all those who are unaware of these, this article has been written. Here, you will get full information on the list of national symbols of India. Have a look and let us know how many of these you already knew.


List of National Symbols of India

List of National Symbols of India

This list of national symbols of India has been picked with the utmost care and at various times. They depict the nature of India. Well, even if you know the national symbols, which every citizen must, we are not here to waste your time. Along with the list of national symbols of India, we have provided the details of the same. This way, you will not know the symbols but also their importance. This article is important as it teaches you something and also brushes up your general knowledge. So, without spending any more time, let us quickly look at the list of national symbols of India.


National FlagTiranga
State EmblemState Emblem of India
National CalendarSaka Calendar
National AnthemJana Gana Mana
National SongVande Mataram
Oath of AllegianceNational Pledge
National FruitMango
National RiverGanga
National TreeIndian Banyan Tree
National AnimalRoyal Bengal Tiger
National Aquatic AnimalGanges River Dolphin
National BirdIndian Peacock/ Peafowl
National CurrencyIndian Rupee
National MicrobeLactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus
National ReptileKing Cobra
National Heritage AnimalIndian Elephant
National FlowerLotus

1. National Flag of India – Tiranga

National Flag of India

Tiranga is a tricolour with equal-sized rectangles. Deep saffron on the top, white in the centre and India green at the bottom, the flag has a navy blue wheel with 24 spokes in the centre. This is known as the Ashoka Chakra. The Tiranga is based on the Swaraj flag designed y Pingali Venkayya.

2. State Emblem – State Emblem of India

State Emblem of India

This is an adaptation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka at Sarnath. It was adopted as our national emblem on 26th January 1950., when India became a republic. A very integral part of the emblem is the motto written in Devanagari script below the abacus which reads ‘Satyameva Jayate’ (English: Truth Alone Triumphs). This is a quote taken from the Mundaka Upanishad, the concluding part of the Vedas.


3. National Calendar of India – Saka Calendar

This calendar was introduced in 1957 by the calendar committee. The official usage of this calendar started on 1 Chaitra 1879 Saka Era or 22nd March 1957. As the calendar was made and put to use in the Saka Era, it is known as the Saka Calendar.

4. National Anthem of India – Jana Gana Mana

Jana Gana Mana - List of National Symbols Of India

The National Anthem has been written by Rabindranath Tagore. It was officially adopted by the Constituent Assembly as the Indian National anthem on 24th January 1950. The national anthem of India is

Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka, jaya he
Tava shubha name jage,
Tava shubha asisa mage,
Gahe tava jaya gatha,
Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he
Jaya he, jaya he, jaya he, Jaya jaya jaya, jaya he!

4. National Song of India – Vande Mataram

Vande Mataram

Vande Mataram is a song written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. The first two verses have been adapted as the Indian National Song in 1950. Rabindranath Tagore sang this song during the 1896 session of the INC (Indian National Congress). The national song of India is

Vande Mataram!
Sujalam, suphalam, malayaja shitalam,
Shasyashyamalam, Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Shubhrajyotsna pulakitayaminim,
Phullakusumita drumadala shobhinim,
Suhasinim sumadhura bhashinim,
Sukhadam varadam, Mataram!
Vande Mataram, Vande Mataram!


5. Oath of Allegiance of India – National Pledge

The oath was written in 1962 by Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao in Telugu. The Central Advisory Board of Education then directed that this oath will be taken in all schools. It was applicable from 26th January 1956 till date. The national pledge is

India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters.
I love my country and I am proud of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall give respect to my parents, teachers and all elders and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my country and my people, I pledge my devotion.
In their well-being and prosperity alone lies my happiness.

6. National Fruit of India – Mango


Mango is known as the king of all fruits. It originated in India and has more than 100 varieties. The scientific name of this is Mangifera Indica.

7. National River of India – Ganga


Ganga is the longest river in India. It is also the most populated river basin in the world. In India, Ganga is considered to be holy. The Hindus consider this river to be the most sacred river on planet Earth.

8. National Tree of India – Indian Banyan Tree

Banyan tree

Indian Banyan Tree roots themselves to form new trees and grow over large areas. Due to this characteristic, the tree is considered to be immortal. The banyan tree has always been an integral part of the myths and legends of India. Hence, it forms part of the list of national symbols of India.

9. National Animal of India – The Royal Bengal Tiger

Royal Bengal tiger

The Royal Bengal Tiger is scientifically known as Panthera tigris Tigris. It is found only in the Indian subcontinent. The tiger is found in most regions of the country.


10. National Aquatic Animal of India – Ganges River Dolphin

Dolphin - National Symbols of India

The river dolphin is a freshwater or river dolphin found in the Indian subcontinent which is divided into two subspecies, the Ganges river dolphin and the Indus river dolphin. The Ganges river dolphin has a robust, but versatile, body with large flippers and a low triangular dorsal fin. It weighs up to 150 kg. The calves are chocolate brown at birth and become greyish brown in adulthood with smooth and hairless skin. Women are bigger than men. Just pure freshwater will make it survive.

11. National Bird of India  – Indian Peacock

Peacock - National Symbols of India

The Indian peacock is designated as India’s national bird (Scientifically known as Pavo cristatus). A bird indigenous to the subcontinent, the peacock represents a unit of vibrant colours and finds references in Indian culture and mythology. The government of India agreed, on 1 February 1963, that the Peacock should be considered the Indian national bird. Since the Tokyo Conference of the International Council for the Protection of Birds in May 1960, the issue of choosing a national bird has been taken into consideration. The Indian Wild Life Board has taken up this matter and the state governments have also been invited to give their opinions. The Great Indian Bustard, the Sarus cranes, the Garuda and the Swan (Hamsa), are among the other birds considered for this honour, while the greatest opponent was the Great Indian Bustard.

12. National Currency of India – Indian Rupee


The official currency of India is the Indian rupee (ISO Code: INR). Currency issuance is regulated by the Indian Reserve Bank. Tamil Nadu born Udaya Kumar Dharmalingam, was named the designer of the Indian rupee sign. His design has been chosen from the five short symbols mentioned. The pattern is based on the Indian tricolour according to Udaya Kumar.

13. National Microbe of India – Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus


On October 18, 2012, at the International Conference on “Conservation of Biodiversity and Education for Sustainable Development – Learning to Preserve Biodiversity in a Rapidly Changing Environment” held in Hyderabad in CoP-11 Bulgaricus was declared as the Nationale Microbe for India by Jayanthi Natarajan. Children who visited the Science Express Biodiversity Special, a train which has visited different stations across the world, have selected the microbe as a national symbol of India. This microbe is used in making bread.


14. National Reptile of India – King Cobra

King Cobra

King Cobra is considered very sacred in Indian culture. Most Indian pray to king cobra. They are found in every region of the Indian subcontinent. King cobra is considered the national reptile of India.

15. National Heritage Animal of India – Indian Elephant

Indian Elephant - National Symbols of India

Since 22 October 2010, Indian elephants is India’s national heritage animal. The Ministry of the Environment in India has designated the elephant a National Heritage Animal in order to increase the conservation measures for the country’s nearly 29,000 elephants. Thus, this would give it its rightful position as an ecological awareness emblem.

16. National Flower of India – Lotus


Indian Lotus is the most beautiful species of aquatic plant, commonly cultivated in water gardens. This aquatic plant holds a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India.

Hope this list of national symbols in India has brushed up your general knowledge. If you have learnt something or this has struck your memory, let us know in the comment section. These national symbols are very important in our heritage and culture. Every Indian has to learn this in their life. If you have liked the content of this article, visit our page for more general knowledge. Make sure to connect with us on LinkedIn for updates. Also, subscribe to our youtube channel for more such content in the visual form.

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