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(*Aging is an extraordinary process, where you become the person you always should have been*)
Age Calculator From Birthdate by Your Education Portal is one such calendar that shows you your current age. Well, not just this. It accurately shows you your age in terms of years, months and days. With the help of this age calculator, you can now easily find out how many days, months or years old you are in just one second.
An online tool for measuring age from the date of birth to the present day is known as the age calculator from birthdate. The difference in time between two years can also be calculated by this method. The output format of the age calculator will be years, months and days. You can classify days, months, and years from your birth to the present day by using our age calculator. It’s not easy to find your age manually in minutes and hours. Use the age calculator from birthdate by YourEducationPortal to know your age in years, months and days.
Using this age calculator is no rocket science. All you need is a birthdate or any starting date. Enter this in DD/MM/YYYY format to calculate age from the date entered to the current date. Now press the SHOW MY AGE button and immediately get your age in years, months and days. This age calculator from birthdate accurately shows you your age in a matter of a couple of seconds.
Based on the Gregorian calendar this age calculator is created. The Gregorian calendar is the most widely used calendar in the world today. That is the calendar used in the international standard for representation of dates and times: ISO 8601:2004. This is a solar calendar based on 365 days in a regular year, divided into 12 months. Eleven of those months have 30 or 31 days, and February is just 28 days a year. Every four years, however, it is a leap year as an extra – or intercalary – day is added to the Gregorian calendar on 29 February, which makes the leap year 366 days long.